da0’s very first event was a success. The goal of this event was to introduce da0 to Taiwan’s web3 and civic communities, as well as inspire the imagination of how web3 and commons can intersect. The da0 team spent 12 Friday night meetings organizing this event, the event had over 50 attendees on a rainy day with mostly organic outreach, many positive feedbacks were given directly to contributors, but of course there’s always room to improve.
The event was joined by international speakers including Leon Erichsen from Gitcoin, Evan Miyazono from Protocol Labs, Glen Weyl the author of Radical Markets and Audrey Tang the Minister of Digital Affairs in Taiwan. The panel was joined by Chong-Jian Kao, the founder of Likecoin, Annie Chang, founder of Matters Lab, Jacky Wang, founder of Bu Zhi DAO, Yen-Lin Huang , founder of FAB DAO, the panel is moderated by Vivian Chen, the founder of Hepta Protocol.
The Introduction of da0
The idea of da0 came to be at Funding the Commons New York event in June 2022, Noah and Vivian had conversations with both Leon and Evan and decided to bring FtC to Asia. After a couple of months da0 was born, with a mission to supercharge g0v, one of the most successful civic organizations in the world, and a vision to make Taiwan and g0v a field of experimentation for advanced theories and tools in civic innovation, import knowledge and export learning, to continue to establish Taiwan as the exemplary democracy of the world.
da0 now support 6 projects working towards its vision and mission.
Vision team
da0 Hack & Show hosts physical events to bring contributors and global researchers together, led by Vivian Chen
da0 Global Comms bridges da0 with global communities to import knowledge, build connections and export learnings, led by Jacky Wang
da0 Learning builds a learning system that onboards web2 and g0v communities to web3, as well as providing various knowledge in other relevant fields, led by Yu-tsang Lin
Mission team
Incentivize g0v builds a contribution and incentive systems for g0v, this might include web3 tech like SBTs and more, led by Ricky Wang
n0body pfp designs an identity for contributors of Taiwan, led by Yen-Lin Huang
da0 armory aims to support da0 and g0v operations with DAO governance tools, led by Stamford
da0 has successfully assembled an experienced team to tackle the challenges ahead, we are definitely looking forward to showcase what we are building in the near future.
Plurality, Leon from Gitcoin
Leon started his talk with various ideologies of the future, from entrepreneurial libertarianism to synthetic technocracy, and how over-financialization and over-centralization might not lead to a better future, the option of plural democracy that RadicalxChange spent years communicating might be a more promising future going forward.
Leon went on and introduced how quadratic funding and quadratic voting might help us allocate resources more fairly and effectively, as well as some challenges and dangers it might face in the near future.
The future built with quadratic funding and DID solutions like Gitcoin Passport is quite enticing, it creates a sustainable funding model for public goods, which fundamentally changes how we can contribute to society.
Building Better Coordination Systems For Humanity, Evan from Protocol Labs
Evan is the research head of Protocol Labs, he started by giving some background knowledge of what Protocol Labs does, and how they developed this research arm called “Network Goods” beyond the units that built Filecoin and IPFS, aiming to develop revolutionary collaboration systems for humanity.
Evan talks about how we’re all already in many coordination systems, whether it be corporations, foundations or simply the way we pass on information. He uses global warming as an example use case for such a system, also mentioned how misunderstanding and lethargy can produce more harm than deceit and malice. A well-designed coordination system can guide people to think about the right things and take the right actions.
Evan mentions a couple of tools Protocol Labs is currently building, including hypercerts that funds positive externality, discourse graphs that introduces the paradigm of open science, governance for git that makes democratic decision making more open and efficient, and finally blue fund that infuses funding into non-profits using tools like hypercerts.
The vision of Protocol Labs is to maximize positive impacts in the world, this may shift the paradigm of economies, we’re very much looking forward to see this parallel universe merge with our own.
How Might DAOs Collaborate?
The panel started with depicting participants’ imagination of a decentralized society, answers started from a open and trustless society, to a community that doesn’t rely on physical distance to make connections, to a buzzword that shouldn’t be taken too seriously. However the existence of such “concept” is still necessary, so people share a common direction to work towards. The appearance of the concept might be the result of disatisfaction towards this centralized world.
The panel went on to discuss whether these organizers of DAOs actually reached the goals of being decentralized. They describes decentralization as a romantic ideal, which can possibly lead to chaos. It was mentioned that the most important aspect of a DAO is its mission, mission creates alignment and therefore action. The level of decentralization determined should serve the mission.
The discussion led to the situation of Hong Kong, given that organizations like Likecoin does not agree with the legitimacy of current Hong Kong government, it refuses to be a registered organization under this regime, decentralization then becomes a must. Under this scenario, the level of decentralization is measured at all times, and single point of failure is avoided at all costs, in a very practical manner.
Comparing with decentralization, polycentric organizations often have more momentum. But how do these “centers” co-exist and collaborate with each other is a challenge organizations need to resolve.
Plurality : Technology for Collaborative Diversity and Democracy, by Glen Weyl and Audrey Tang
Audrey and Glen answered questions about Plurality from the start. A question about web3’s co-opitition was first directed at Glen. Glen talked about how technology through the years have been driven by private sectors and built for private intentions, which come to conflict with social values, pressure then comes from the government towards this hyper-financialization of crypto, leading to unpleasant results. The proposal of plurality needs to make businesses more productive, and connections more meaningful, otherwise it wouldn’t make much difference. Anything that strengthens democracy should also strengthen the way people to work productively.
Glen talks about even internally in companies like Microsoft, there is such concept as commons, what incentivizes a department to build a project that benefits all instead of only itself? A Gitcoin Enterprise edition might help.
Glen then talks about the constant emergence of the new public, which is a group of people who governs themselves in a set of interactions they have. In every new public group there is a convener, the convener helps the group realize how they interact can be a new form of system, this is the intention of Glen and Audrey’s new book. Publishing this book should help all new public groups see themselves. Everyone in this new world would participate in many democratic groups, Glen thinks this is the right vision to imagine.
Glen also said he profoundly believes that the Taiwanese experience is unique to the world, which it may develop solutions to the division of western societies. The narrative focus of Taiwan’s political situation can be a focal point in communicating this solution.
da0’s first event introduces many possibilites, we do believe g0v and Taiwan can and will play an important role in the future of democracy, globally, and we want to be a part of its journey. We do hope you join us on this journey.
da0 零週年回顧
零時道的第一場活動很成功。這次活動的目的是向台灣的 web3 和公民社群介紹零時道,並激發對 web3 和公共財如何交集的想像。零時道團隊共花了 12 個週五晚間的會議組織了這次活動,該活動在未大量宣傳的情況下仍有超過 50 名與會者參加,得到許多正面反饋,但當然總是有改進的空間。
這次國際演講嘉賓包括來自 Gitcoin 的 Leon Erichsen、來自 Protocol Labs 的 Evan Miyazono、激進市場的作者 Glen Weyl 和台灣數位發展部部長唐鳳。參與討論的有 Likecoin 創辦人高崇健、Matters Lab 創辦人張潔平、不知道創辦人 Jacky Wang、FAB DAO 創辦人黃彥霖,及主持人陳依靖,Hepta protocol 的創辦人。
介紹 da0
零時道的想法在 2022 年 6 月的 Funding the Commons 紐約活動中產生,Noah 和 Vivian 與 Leon 和 Evan 當時對上了話,並決定將 FtC 帶到亞洲。幾個月後,零時道誕生了,其使命是成為世界上最成功的公民組織之一 - 零時政府的曲速引擎,並希望使台灣和零時政府成為公民創新理論和工具的實驗場域,導入知識也輸出學習,繼續將台灣打造為世界民主典範。
零時道的生態裡現在啟動了 6 個項目,致力於實現願景和使命。
da0 Hack & Show 舉辦實體活動,將貢獻者和全球研究先驅聚集在一起,由陳依靖主導
da0 Global Comms 將 da0 與全球社群聯結起來,以導入知識、建立聯繫和導出學習為目標,由 Jacky Wang 主導
da0 Learning 構建學習系統,提供 web2 和零時政府社群Web3x公共財的相關知識,並討論政治哲學等其他相關領域的理論,由林雨蒼主導
Incentivize g0v 為零時政府建立貢獻和激勵系統,這可能包括靈魂綁定代幣等 web3 技術,由 Ricky Wang 主導
n0body pfp 為台灣的貢獻者設計身份,由黃豆泥主導
da0 armory 旨在通過 Stamford 主導的 DAO 治理工具支持 da0 和 g0v 的營運
Plurality, Leon from Gitcoin
Leon 從未來各種意識形態的對立開始他的談話,從創業自由主義到技術官僚主義,也講解過度金融化和過度中心化充斥的現在為什麼不會帶來更美好的未來。RadicalxChange 花了數年時間所溝通的多元民主可能是一個更有希望的選擇。
Leon 繼續介紹了平方募資和平方投票如何幫助我們更公平有效地分配資源,以及它在不久的將來可能面臨的一些挑戰和危險。
由平方募資和 Gitcoin Passport 等去中心化身份為主的解決方案所構建的未來非常誘人,它為公共財創造了可持續的融資模式,從根本上改變了我們為社會做出貢獻的方法。
Building Better Coordination Systems For Humanity, Evan from Protocol Labs
Evan 是 Protocol Labs 的研究負責人,他首先介紹了 Protocol Labs 的背景,以及他們如何在打造 Filecoin 及 IPFS 的單位之外建立這個名為『Network Goods』的研究部門,旨在開發革命性的人類協作系統。
Evan 談到我們其實已經身在許多協作系統中,無論是公司、基金會還是我們傳遞信息的方式。他以全球暖化作為人類協作系統的使用情境當作案例,還提到了誤解如何比欺騙和惡意產生更多的傷害。一個設計良好的協作系統可以引導人們思考正確的事情,也採取正確的行動。
Evan 提到了 Protocol Labs 目前正在打造的幾個工具,包括為正向外部性提供資金的超級證書 、引入開放科學典範的 Discourse graphs、使民主決策更加開放和高效的 governance for git,最後是 blue fund,使用超級證書等工具將資金注入非營利組織。
Protocol Labs 的願景是最大化對世界的正面影響,這可能會改變經濟活動的樣貌,我們非常期待看到這個平行宇宙與我們宇宙融合的那天。
論壇繼續討論這些 DAO 的創辦人們是否真的達到了去中心化的目標。他們將去中心化描述為一種浪漫的理想,但也可能會導致混亂。有人提到 DAO 最重要的是它的使命,使命創造了一致的動機,也因此產生了行動。去中心化的程度應該要為使命服務。
討論到了香港的情況,像 Likecoin 這樣的組織因不認同現時香港政府的合理性,拒絕成為該政權下的註冊組織,去中心化也因此成為必須。在這種情況下,時刻衡量去中心化程度,不惜一切代價避免單點故障的做法都是非常實際的。
多元宇宙:數位協作與民主的科技典範, by Glen Weyl and Audrey Tang
唐鳳和 Glen 首先回答關於 web3 合作競爭的問題。Glen 談到多年來科技是如何由私部門推動並為私人意圖而打造,這與許多社會價值觀發生衝突,接著政府的壓力也因加密貨幣的過度金融化而變大,全都指向令人擔心的未來。多元主義的提議需要讓企業更有生產力,讓聯繫更有意義,否則無法產生太大的改變。任何加強民主的東西也應該能加強人們工作的效率與方式。
Glen 甚至談到在微軟這樣的公司內部,也有公共財的概念,是什麼激勵一個部門打造有利於所有人而不是只對自己有利的專案? Gitcoin 企業版可能會有所幫助。
然後 Glen 談到了 The New Public 的不斷湧現,the new public 是一群擁有特定互動及治理方式的人群。在每一個 new public 人群中都有一個召集人,召集人幫助群體意識到他們如何互動,並昇華其成為一個新的系統,這就是 Glen 和唐鳳新書的意圖。出版這本書可以幫助所有 new public 群體認知並看到自己。新世界的每個人都會參與到多個民主團體中,Glen 認為這是值得想像的正確願景。
Glen 還表示,他深信台灣經驗是世界獨一無二的,它能會為西方社會的分裂找到解決方案。台灣政治局勢的敘事也可以成為傳達這個解決方案的焦點。